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Hide Health Building, Town Center, Storages and Training Facilities

Please add future that will hide Health Building, Town Center, Storages and Training Facilities in My Land.

nomad, 14.06.2011, 16:51
Idea status: completed


Selyne, 19.06.2011, 16:29
I wanted to write this too. Good idea :)
nomad, 14.07.2011, 18:52
Also option to hide new training centers would be nice.
JohnZ, 30.07.2011, 05:12
Agreed. I have to many storages and wanna hide them.
MrYayo, 23.09.2011, 17:24
You can add the following code to function improveLand()

$(".land_holder li:gt(2)").each(function () {
var b = $(this).find(".detail_holder .detail_content .inside a:eq(0)").attr("title");
b != void 0 && ($(this).find(".detail_holder .detail_content .inside").append(' Hide building'))
dalibor, 16.10.2011, 15:24
Yes, hide extra storages and show only 1 building.

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