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No-refreshing sidebar

Usually that problem appears when i add offers on market. The quantity of currency that shows eRa is different than in real (when i turn off script). The same problem is with quantity of items on my offers.
It looks like eRa some kind of 'stuck' and doesn't refreshing informations.
I solved this problem by delete and install script but after few days the problem comes back.

lukas288, 28.05.2011, 19:42
Response from the site administrator
Roktaal, 29.05.2011
Data collection for sidebar is happening only after you refresh and 30sec have passed from previous collection. When you put the offer on MM your amount of currencies change but the script have not yet collected new data because of the above. We implemented this "holdup" to lower a chance to flood the servers with many requests causing users to be banned for 10min.
Idea status: completed


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