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company module

Company module is bugged.
Please fix it.

czeslaw, 16.05.2011, 16:41
Response from the site administrator
Roktaal, 16.05.2011
It is not.
You are wrong in calculating price w/o tax.
Proper formula is:
120 * (1.27 / (1 + 14 / 100)) = 133.68
To explain...if we take your price w/o tax and add 13% tax to it we will get:
131.064 * 1.14 = 149.41
149.41 / 120 = 1.245 as a price / unit instead of 1.27
Idea status: completed


czeslaw, 17.05.2011, 09:04
I dont understand.
Why 152,4-(152,4*14%) = 131,06400 so the same 120*(1,27*(86/100)) = 131,06400 is incorrect?
In my opinion your formula is incorrect.
frimen, 17.05.2011, 10:13
Your equation is true but the formula is not correct for that purpose.

Tax is 14% and total price with tax is 152.4 which means 152.4 is 114%.
The right equation is this:

x * 1.14 = 152.4
x = 152.4 / 1.14
x = 133.68421

That is because the tax percent is applied to the price without tax. I've presented this whit my equation where 'x' stands for the price without tax.
czeslaw, 17.05.2011, 12:34
Thanks for your explanation.

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