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Marketplace & gold

Why in the Marketplace, the prices in gold are not in the write currency?

Cataphract, 23.04.2011, 17:46
Response from the site administrator
Roktaal, 24.04.2011
Every time user opens the market pages, exchange rate is updated directly from monetary market pages taking top offer.
Idea status: completed


Roktaal, 23.04.2011, 18:12
I don't understand.
"The prices in gold are not in the write currency" ?!
Please explain.
keithknight, 25.11.2011, 08:56
You said that the rate will be updated every time I open the market and I think it's really a good idea,but in fact with my test it DOES NOT work well for some reason.I try many times and event use CTRL+F5 for refreshing. It doesn't work. I use Chrome.

Would you please check it again for the Chrome browsers?

Sorry for my English, and best regards.
frimen, 25.11.2011, 17:38
What is the problem with it? What did you expect and what did you got? The rates updated if the last fetched data older than 30 sec. Long before it was updated at every page load.
Cataphract, 24.04.2011, 01:23
I will give an example. A cost of a q5 house in Greece costs 1400 GRD and the price in gold according to the script is 8+ gold. But the real cost was 7g base on the currency (Gold-GRD) in that specific time. As I can see now, the price in gold is right, so I guest that the script update the information once per day or something like this. Is there a chance to update the information manually? Or if we can't update manually, can you make the update happen more often????

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